Wednesday, May 22, 2013

WoW would release a facebook post

I would like to see Sylvannas to play a hand. The forsaken have been a bit complacent in all this recent trouble. I agree. With her newfound sense of responsibility to her people, I'd like to see her more active. To all the haters of this game, UNLIKE this page... NOW!!! You're not worthy of being here anymore.

No, because it makes no sense to waste your time following and commenting on something just to say how much you hate it. Go take the trolling somewhere else, we see enough of that in Trade and on wow gold the forums. I love how the whiners complain on the WoW page they have 'liked'. Save it for someone who cares.

Remember once upon a time WoW would release a facebook post and have 20,000 likes and 1,000 comments in a matter of minutes? Now days only 400 comments and 2,600 likes after an hours time.

They shot themselves in the foot hardcore. Perhaps the greatest MMO found in ruins, dead realms, empty cities, and a whole wave of children spamming trade chat.

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